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Dental Implant Surgery: The Procedure Of Replacing Your Missing Tooth

 One of the toughest experiences a person may go through is missing or losing a tooth due to any reason, be it an illness or an accident. Not only is this an aesthetic issue that causes a person to lose all confidence, but it is also harmful to one's general health. When a tooth is missing, the jaw loses bone mass, causing the jaw to sag and the skin on the face to sag.

This occurs when the teeth continue to grind and regenerate on their own. This process comes to a halt when a tooth is missing, resulting in major problems. This is why the great creation of a dental implant was made possible by medical research. A titanium post and a dental cap are used to replace the missing tooth and root. This completes the set of teeth and restarts the jaw's regeneration process, which keeps it in good health. But how is this accomplished?

How does one go about having a dental implant? This article goes through it in depth.

Visiting the Doctor

The treatment will begin with an examination by your dentist and implantologist of the area where the dental implant will be placed. This could include a physical exam as well as imaging procedures such as X-rays, panoramic films, and CT scans, depending on the situation. The quantity and quality of the jawbone are also examined at this time.

Cleaning the Site

The patient will be asked to return for the procedure when the area has been inspected and determined to be suitable for a dental implant. The doctors, on the other hand, will not enter the surgery right away. It is not uncommon for a tiny portion of the shattered tooth or the roots of the tooth to remain. This signifies that the area must be cleansed first before proceeding. The remaining tooth will be extracted in order to clean and prepare the area.


The implant can be inserted once the site is clear and the bone has sufficient strength. If there is bone loss or repair is required, the doctors will initially perform a grafting treatment. The site is given a bone graft and left for a period of time ranging from 2 to 6 months to allow it to recover. This time frame is determined by the type of grafting required.

Getting the Implant

When the implant is placed without the need for any grafting, it is called an “immediate implant” placement. The implantologist then uses special drills and tools to create the required for placing a titanium post in the space for a missing tooth. This implant acts as the root that connects to the bone underneath. Then they put a healing cap on the implant and stitch up the gums over the cap, thus beginning the healing process.

Healing Time

The time required for healing depends on the quality of the bone underneath. It may be two to six months, maybe even more. In this time, the bone integrates the implant within itself. During this time, continued visits to the doctor are to be maintained to ensure that there is no infection happening at the site while avoiding any pressure on the implant is also advised. 

Dental Crown

After the healing process is complete, the site is now ready to get its new dental crown. To complete the tooth implant procedure, a dental crown is connected to the implant with the help of a screw called an “abutment”. It is custom made to match the profile of the patient’s teeth, while also being colour matched to the rest of the set.

This is how the dental implant procedure works, thus replacing a missing tooth and completing a person’s perfect jaw to help them regain their smile.


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