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What Are The Basic Differences Between Dental Braces and Invisalign?

Misaligned teeth have been a big blow to the confidence of a number of young people in the current generation. As a way to treat this issue and to eradicate many other issues that come with them, dentistry evolved to introduce a novel way to treat misaligned teeth. Orthodontics, the branch of dentistry that deals with these problems, has evolved in ways that were once unimaginable.

Dental braces have come a long way to present unmatched ease to the wearer of just about any age. However, with this evolution, there have also been a number of different options that patients can choose from. The major distinction between these categories is their appearance. 

Here is a short explanation of how the various kinds of braces look like:

       Metallic Braces: Braces with wires and metal brackets that are cemented on top of the teeth.
       Ceramic Braces: Braces with wires and clear ceramic brackets.
       Lingual Braces: Braces that are placed behind the teeth so they are visible.
       Invisalign: A kind of clear aligners that are removable and are custom made for everyone.

While the first 3 are not removable, Invisalign has a clear advantage on the rest of them as they are removable and custom made for a patient, which means better and more targeted treatment. However, there are more differences between traditional braces and Invisalign apart from this one. Let’s take a look at these differences.

What is the Difference Between Invisalign and Traditional Braces?

1.      Material: While traditional braces make use of metal and ceramic brackets and metal wires/rubber bands, Invisalign is made of transparent plastic that is inert and of a BPA-free grade.
2.      Dentist Visits: Both, braces and Invisalign move the teeth in position with the use of pressure and body heat. However, they cannot be just put in place and forgotten. While traditional braces are tightened by reshaping and strengthening the wires, Invisalign is simply replaced with a new one altogether. Because Invisalign is custom made, it requires less frequent visits to the dentist.
3.      Convenience: Traditional braces often come with their own set of rules and regulations regarding care and cleaning. There are also a number of restrictions regarding food and liquids that can be consumed. Invisalign users can simply take their aligners out while cleaning their teeth or eating. They can also eat anything they like. The only thing to remember with clear aligners is that they should be rinsed with warm water every time they are taken out.
4.      Duration of Treatment: The clear instruction with Invisalign is that they must be worn for at least 22 hours a day. The compliance of this rule is the biggest contributor to the overall duration of the treatment. When patients comply with this rule diligently, the duration is the same as that of traditional braces, while non-compliance usually results in an extended period of time.
5.      Cost: Because of the technology, material, and expertise involved, all kinds of braces have a large difference in how much they cost. Metallic and ceramic braces are usually the most affordable, while lingual braces cost a little more. Invisalign are usually priced slightly higher on this spectrum.

For patients who have had braces in their lifetime, or are considering getting them currently, facing so many options has always been confusing. Hopefully, this detailed article will help you in drawing the line between braces and Invisalign. You can choose which treatment suits your needs and act accordingly.


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