Dental infections are a severe condition to have simply because of how painful the experience is. Our teeth are built on top of a network of nerves that are very sensitive to a lot of things. This includes heat and cold, but the pain caused by inflammation of these nerves is unmatched. To help with the treatment of an infected tooth, dentists make use of the procedure known as Root Canal Treatment. What is root canal treatment, you may ask? It is a dental procedure that aims to preserve the natural tooth while getting rid of the infected pulp inside.
While it is a quite simple procedure with very few complications involved, there are however, some things you need to know about. There are a few facts that you must know about the failure of a root canal treatment, so you can do your best to avoid the situation as much as you can. Here are 3 cases when Root Canal can fail and what you can do in such situations.
Why A Root Canal Can Fail?
Severe Infection
The need for root canal begins with tooth decay, as it slowly erodes the upper enamel layer away. The attack comes from the acid produced by the bacteria that reside in our mouths. The infection spreads through the dentin, the softer inner layer of the tooth before finally reaching the pulp, from where the infection begins to affect the nerves and the bone. Throughout all this, the danger to the tooth is always on the rise. The earlier a tooth is treated, the better chances root canal treatments have of gaining success. See your dentists as soon as you begin to notice pain.
Root Canal Network
The aim of RCT is to take out all dead and diseased tissue from the canals and pulp chambers in our tooth. However, if a tooth has a complex network of canals, it significantly increases the chance of one of the chambers being overlooked and causing the entirety of the root canal treatment to fail. It is, thus, for your own good that you only take treatment from a trained endodontist at a certified dental hospital. This way, when the procedure is done and the canals are sealed, there will be no chance of any infection getting left behind in the tooth.
Tooth’s Age
The root canal empties a tooth out from the inside, which means it can structurally weaken a tooth. This is especially a factor to consider when the age of the tooth is too much. If a tooth is fractured, it increases the likelihood of the tooth catching an infection again. This can be prevented by putting a crown on top of the tooth to add more strength to it, further adding more protection against infection.
Root Canal is a preventive and corrective treatment. To make sure that it sees the kind of success expected from it, we need to make sure that everything happens according to plan. You need to make sure that you follow your dental hygiene routine properly. Talk to your dentist about your expectations, and make sure that you are on the same page always.
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