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Gummy Smile - Everything You Need to Know About It!

 A smile plays a very important role in your aesthetic and perception. The way you smile defines your self-confidence and self-esteem. But the question is, what must be the possible smile issues faced usually? One of them is having a gummy smile. Many people are unhappy with the gumminess in their smiles. 

A gummy smile is a condition where there is more display of the gums while smiling. It comes under cosmetic dentistry. In normal scenarios, only a two-thirds portion of teeth is visible while smiling rest is covered with the upper lip. But in the case of a gummy smile, less portion is covered by upper lips so it looks slightly unaesthetic. Let us know more about it 


Common reasons for gummy smiles 

  • Size, shape, and height of your teeth: The appearance of your teeth play a major role in your smile. Shorter teeth or partially erupted teeth affect your smile. The tooth-to-gum ratio should be proper to avoid such smile issues. 

  • Length of the upper lip: According to some studies average length of an upper lip is 20-24 millimeters. If this length is not adequate then it affects your smile. If the upper lip is too short more of the gums will be displayed which will result in gummy smiles. 

  • Size of gums: Gum enlargement is the common reason for gumminess in your smiles. It can be due to hormonal changes faced in pregnancy or puberty. Certain medication like phenytoin or cyclosporins enlarges your gums. Some diseases like gum tumors or bony tumors increase the gum size resulting in gummy smiles. 

  • Size of the upper jaw: Jaw size is an important deciding factor in your facial appearance. Excessive jaw size causes incompetent lips which makes the gums more visible while smiling. As the jaw size is big, the teeth tend to be more protruded than normal, resulting in more aesthetic problems. 

Fixing your gummy smile 

  • Crown lengthening: The procedure to increase the length of your teeth is called crown lengthening. Usually, it works on changing the gum-to-tooth ratio. The gums are reshaped and pushed backward exposing more of your teeth portion. 

  • Lip lengthening: Lip lengthening is increasing the length of your lips. It is done when there is an adequate length of teeth visible. It is done under local anesthesia and lowers chances of relapse and leaves you with a beautiful smile. 

  • Botox injections: It’s been like a new trend to get a botox done. Botox is usually an aesthetic procedure that is used to plump up your face and make you look younger. Its a non-surgical and less invasive procedure to get rid of your gummy smile 

  • Jaw surgery: Surgical procedure is carried on to alter your jaw size to get rid of the dental issues. Preferred when the upper jaw is enlarged rendering you with smile issues. 

A gummy smile can be a result of a combination of many reasons listed above. Proper diagnosis is mandatory but is difficult to reach. Each cause holds on to a different treatment modality. An experienced dentist will solve all your dental queries be it a tooth crown, smile correction, or problems related to cosmetic dentistry. Get hold of your dental issues and get them treated as soon as you can. 


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